Insurance News

From Bittle Armstrong

Navigating Short-Term Health Insurance: A Vital Shield for Today’s Uncertainties

Navigating Short-Term Health Insurance: A Vital Shield for Today’s Uncertainties

NWA residents often find themselves at the crossroads of choosing the right insurance coverage. One option gaining prominence is Short-Term Health Insurance, a flexible solution catering to the immediate health needs of individuals. Short-Term Health Insurance is designed to bridge the gaps in coverage for individuals facing transitions or uncertainties.

Understanding the Vital Shield: Business Interruption Insurance Coverage

Understanding the Vital Shield: Business Interruption Insurance Coverage

Business Interruption Insurance is a type of coverage that aims to compensate businesses for income lost during a period of interruption caused by a covered peril. This could include events such as fire, natural disasters, or other unforeseen circumstances that force a business to temporarily close its doors. The primary purpose of this insurance is to mitigate the financial impact of unexpected interruptions, helping businesses maintain a semblance of financial stability during challenging times. It covers not only the loss of income but also certain operating expenses, ensuring that a business can continue to meet its financial obligations even when revenue is disrupted.

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What Is Builder’s Risk Insurance?

What Is Builder’s Risk Insurance?

Builder's risk insurance is a type of property insurance that provides coverage for damage or loss during the construction or renovation of a building. This type of insurance policy typically covers the costs of repairing or replacing materials, equipment, and...

Springtime in Arkansas Means It’s Tornado Season

Springtime in Arkansas Means It’s Tornado Season

As the spring season approaches, so does the threat of tornadoes. With these natural disasters come devastating winds, heavy rains, and damange from falling trees and limbs. Unfortunately, tornadoes can strike without warning, and the damage can be catastrophic. This...

Business Insurance for Today’s Digital Age

Business Insurance for Today’s Digital Age

Business insurance is an essential component of any successful company. It is designed to protect a business from a variety of risks, including those related to property damage, liability, and employee injuries. However, in today's digital age, there is another risk...

What is Key Person Insurance?

What is Key Person Insurance?

Key person insurance is a type of life insurance that provides financial protection to a business in the event of the death or disability of a key employee. This type of insurance is designed to help businesses mitigate the financial impact of losing a key employee...

Between Jobs? Short Term Health Insurance is Vital

Between Jobs? Short Term Health Insurance is Vital

Short-term health insurance is a type of insurance that provides coverage for a limited period of time, typically between one and twelve months. It is an important option for people who are between jobs and need coverage during the transition period. Many people who...