Navigating Your Business
Through Covdi-19
Opening up your business to operate during COVID-19 takes careful steps to improve the safety of your employees, your customers and your business. The Travelers Insurance Risk Control team guides our business customers to better manage risk. The independent agents at Bittle Armstrong have made that expertise available to help you as you manage your business today.

Preparing Your Property for Employees, Tenants and Patrons During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic
As you begin to reopen or reestablish your business during the COVID-19 pandemic, you need to ensure your property is safe and functional for employees, tenants and patrons. Proper cleaning and disinfection procedures can help create a safe environment, provided you apply new considerations to established protocols. As you are developing overall COVID-19 response efforts, work to help reduce risk through PATH – Plan, Act, Train, Health. These core principles can help you to prepare your business to operate safely in today’s changing environment.

Cleaning and Disinfecting During and After a Pandemic
With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is crucial to review and update policies for cleaning and disinfecting your facility, equipment and vehicles. It is recommended that you increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces, which may include door pushes, handles, touchpads, elevator buttons, faucets, sinks and electronic devices, as well as common areas, such as entryways, lobbies, hallways and restrooms. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers steps for properly cleaning and disinfecting facilities.

Resuming Projects After a Temporary Shutdown Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Reopening a construction project after a shutdown related to the COVID-19 pandemic can be challenging. There may be post-shutdown changes to the project schedule, workforce, available materials and job scope, which, if unaddressed, could result in substantial added time and cost.
As you are developing overall COVID-19 response efforts, work to help reduce risk through PATH – Plan, Act, Train, Health. These core principles can help ensure your business is operating safely in today’s changing environment.

Reopening Your Shop or Restaurant as the COVID-19 Pandemic Evolves
The COVID-19 pandemic has likely altered how you conduct business, with many restaurants shifting to curbside pickup or delivery, and retailers moving sales online. As you prepare to restore regular operations or reopen, it is important to have a business and safety plan that you can adapt to help you succeed in the “new normal.” As you are developing overall COVID-19 response efforts, work to help reduce risk through PATH – Plan, Act, Train, Health. These core principles can help you to ensure your business is operating safely in today’s changing environment.